Stefani elementary community unites, helping students who lost home in fire
With the help of parents, the staff at Stefani has raised more than $1,400 to help the family get back on their feet.
The new superintendent of Merced City School District, Richard “Al” Rogers, Ed.D. welcomed students back to school on January 6, 2020 following the winter break.
This was Dr. Rogers’s first day touring several campuses around the district, getting to know the principals and teachers.
He started the day by raising the American flag at John Muir Elementary, visited Burbank Elementary, Rivera Middle, Fremont Elementary, Gracey Elementary, Sheehy Elementary, and Tenaya Middle School.
Dr. Rogers will be visiting all 18 campuses in the district and interacting with some of the nearly 12,000 students it serves.
Merced City School District would like to remind the community that it is accepting referrals for the MCSD GATE program for the 2020-2021 school year.
GATE referrals this year will be accepted for all current 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th graders.
If you would like to refer your child to be included in the assessment and be considered for GATE, you may pick up the referral paperwork either at your child’s school office or
print here and return to the school or District office by December 18th, 2019.
The assessment will take place from mid-January to mid-February 2020.