Any and all parents, grandparents, guardians, etc. can come and participate in the School Site Council Meetings at Fremont Elementary School. School Site Council, also called SSC, is a team of teachers, administrators, students, community members, and parents who are the governing committee to ensure we are spending money to meet our goals. We have three site-wide goals this year.
There are so many positive things this group does for Fremont Elementary School. There are teachers and parents working diligently to make our campus a wonderful place to be. This group facilitates and hosts many events. If you have a passion for party planning, events coordinating, or just meeting other parents then this is a great group to join. Family Movie Nights, Family Fun BBQ's, dances, field day stations, holiday activities, and spirit related activities are a focus for this team. This team also launches our site-wide fundraiser and helps fund student-family-staff events. Do you just want to show up and help with one event? No problem, join or volunteer to lead a committee for an event you are passionate about. Do you want to see an event return to Fremont that is no longer here? Awesome! Come to a meeting and give your ideas. Together we will increase our momentum for fun!
Fremont PTC has a facebook group. Search for the group using keywords Fremont PTC.
This forum is a team of teachers, parents, and administrators who come together to ensure we share information, and focus on our best practices for students who are learning English as a second language. This is a great group to join if you are interested in the practices we use to ensure success for our students. Most of our best practices for students learning English are simply good for all students. Our students learning English are not just learning to speak English. They are learning mathematics, science, social studies, and other subject matter with the application of using a standard of English that is very rigorous. If you learned English as a second language and have input please jump into this group to advocate for our student needs.
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