When students struggle to master the behavior expectations we offer supports and coaching. Students are assigned to the HERO Academy for classes and coaching. In these classes the behavior expectations are re-taught, social skills lessons are delivered, small group discussions and daily supports are offered. When students are offered these supports they are tailored specifically to the letter deficit the student displayed chronically. These chronic deficits are logged in Behavior Modification Forms in each classroom and during unstructured times. Teachers may refer to these forms as "steps".
We believe in discipline that restores good behaviors. Discipline is not handled exclusively as punitive punishments. We attempt a discipline system that considers three components:
1- Restoration- What can the student do to fix the problem they created? If they made a mistake can they appologize, write a letter, clean up their mess?
2- Reflection- Does the student know the impact of their behavior on the teacher? Do they know the impact on other students? Do they know the impact for the school and their family?
3- Instructional- Can the student help teach other students about the expectation? Can they create a poster that illustrates the expectation? Bulletin Board? Deliver a mini-lesson to younger students? Create a technology slideshow?
Minor Infractions are handled through the PBIS System here. Sometimes due to the gravity of some behaviors we still use suspension and expulsion guidelines to ensure a safe campus. We teach and follow the California Education Code for these matters. We have Parent Clinics, Student Assemblies, and classroom lessons on that Education Code.
We celebrate success and give a lot of praise for good behaviors too. If you receive a call from the school it is quite possible that it is a recognition call for good behaviors. We play Behavior Bingo with daily recognition drawing. Our entire staff chooses students behaving
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