There are brochures in the front office for parent resources. Our MCSD brochures and the Fremont Parent Clinic Brochures are also located there. There are brochures for our local resources through our county also available. Next time you happen to be in the office feel free to take a brocure that peaks your interest. Do you have an idea for topics for brochures and Parent Clinics? Write them down and share them with the office staff. Join us for a Parent Clinic, or just print the brochures from this website using the hyperlinks under the tab "Parents Seeking Help".
This year Mrs. Oliver, Fremont Teacher-Leader, hosted a parent information night on the California Common Core Standards. She designed brochures titled A Parent's Guide to Common Core that our staff will be able to share with parents at Round-Up, Parent Conferences, and Open House. Her brochures take each grade level and simply explain what students need to know every year. She included parent tips, resources, and book titles for each grade level. Each grade level below is a hyperlink that will take you to that guide.
This year, Fremont hosted a series of family engagement gatherings titled Parent Coffee Hour. Presenters shared a variety of information on parenting skills. Topics included Brain Stages, Love Languages, Ages & Stages, Single Parenting, and Discipline &Guidance.
If you would like more information on our Fremont Parent Coffee Hour call 385-6627.
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