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First students returning to school

Merced City School District is beginning the process of bringing students back to school. The California Department of Public Health recently released guidelines for returning small student groups or cohorts to schools for supports and specialized services. In order to comply with social distancing guidelines, cohorts will consist of no more than 16 individuals in a classroom.
The recommendation from the State of California, and California Department of Education, is to consider returning students with disabilities first, due to their increased vulnerability while on distance learning. These MCSD students will return to school in-person on October 12 unless their parents/guardians choose to continue with distance learning.
“The guidance from the State is in line with MCSD’s vision of providing equity and support to the most vulnerable students,” MCSD Superintendent Dr. Al Rogers shared. “First, we are going to bring back students enrolled in Special Day Classes and students with particular service needs. These students spend a significant part of their school day receiving specialized services.”  
MCSD is creating a plan to welcome all students back to campus on November 2, if COVID-19 infection rates continue to decrease within the county. MCSD’s plan prioritizes the safety of students and staff. Planning and school schedules are being developed based on valuable feedback from teachers, staff, parents, and the community.

Fresh Food For All

Food box distribution   USDA Farms to Families Food Box Distribution Food box distribution   Food box distribution

Merced City School District will continue to distribute free USDA Farmers to Families Food Boxes every Wednesday, through October 28th.  

On October 7th, we will be at the following schools, starting at 4:00 p.m., while supplies last: 

  • Hoover - Enter from Santa Fe Ave., only (exit on 26th)

  • Reyes - 123 South N Street

  • Stefani - 2768 Ranchero Lane

Families will receive one box per vehicle, regardless of income. Each box weighs approximately 30 lbs and may contain: potatoes, apples, cantaloupe or honeydew, cauliflower, celery, eggs, chicken, pork sausage, cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, yogurt, sour cream, and milk.

We recommend bringing a wagon if walking to a school. Masks are required for walk ups. The boxes are prepackaged and MCSD has no authority over what is included. Families are asked to remain in their vehicles and open their trunks when it is their turn in line.

Unhealthy Air Quality

Wildfire photo

Merced City School District is monitoring multiple wildfires currently impacting air quality in the valley. According to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD), which provides hourly updates to MCSD, our area is experiencing significant smoke impacts. A Health Caution is in effect until the fires are extinguished.

Anyone experiencing poor air quality due to wildfire smoke should move indoors to a filtered, air-conditioned environment with windows closed. The common cloth and paper masks being worn due to COVID-19 concerns will not protect individuals from wildfire smoke. 

If an area is impacted by smoke and/or falling ash, air quality should be considered unhealthy. All physical exercise should be adjusted and appropriate for current conditions. Employees experiencing any difficulty breathing while outdoors, should move indoors.

Stay informed:

  • Monitor current wildfires at 
  • Download the free “Valley Air” app and type in your address to see air quality levels in your area
  • Register at to get email/text notifications when air quality is poor for your saved locations​




New Middle School Schedule

The Board of Education has approved a modified block schedule for all four middle schools in Merced City School District. Students will report to 1st period daily, followed by either the even or odd periods, depending on the day. 

The following schedules will take effect Tuesday September 8, 2020:

Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

Thank you, stakeholders and community members, for your participation in the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan informational forums on August 18th and 27th.
The plan describes how Merced City School District maintains quality teaching and learning, meets student needs, and implements safety measures during its response to COVID-19. Our progress to date with stakeholder feedback is available on our webpage. For more information, please contact the MCSD Department of State and Federal Programs at (209) 385-6664.

We appreciate your continued support!​


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