Contact: Dominique Zuniga
Communications Director
Merced City School District Transportation Moves Toward “Zero Emissions” Fall 2024
In partnership with F&H Construction, and Golden Valley Engineering, Merced City School District held a groundbreaking ceremony on the morning of May 10, to commemorate the planned installation of 18 electric bus charging stations and the newly constructed area of the District’s transportation department that will support a fleet of electric buses set to serve the students of MCSD in fall of 2024.
The “Zero Emission Vehicle” (ZEV) project is a response to the state of California’s added policy, requiring facilities of public agencies to develop energy conservation, cogeneration, and alternate energy supply sources. Upon conducting research and detailed estimates, the District received Board approval early in 2024 to enter into an energy savings contract with F&H Construction and Golden Valley Engineering.
This project, inclusive of 3 dual port chargers, 12 single port chargers, and 10 electric buses, will provide the District with an estimated reduction of fossil fuel usage by approximately 585,008 gallons over the expectant lifecycle of 15 years, at a cost savings of approximately $3,159,040, and total cumulative project savings of $1,668,813 over the 15-year projection.
Approximately $6.7 million in grant funding and rebates were awarded to support the majority of the costs associated with the ZEV project, requiring the District to invest no more than $1.6M over the course of two years.
“Ensuring the District takes continual strides toward reducing emissions while remaining fiscally prudent is a priority. I am grateful for our District staff and contracted partners who play a significant role in helping us get there”, stated Acting Superintendent Brian Meisenheimer.
MCSD anticipates beginning student transportation services with electric buses early next school year.
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MCSD Makes Strides to Improve Indoor Air Quality
and Board Member Effectiveness
For nearly a decade, indoor air quality improvements have incrementally occurred across Merced City School District through the completion of site assessments and District and grant funding. While there is still more work to be done, we are pleased of our progress and improvements completed thus far in service of our nearly 12,000 students and 1,400 staff members.
Measure M grant funding received in 2014, allowed MCSD to begin the process of large modernization projects affording the replacement of approximately 25% of the District’s overall HVAC systems. Through Measure M funding, 8 sites received new HVAC systems and 4 additional sites have a majority of units that are less than 10 years old.
Through the support of Measure M and Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ESSER I) Funds, outdoor learning environments have been made possible at 8 of our schools. A portion of the one-time COVID relief ESSER funds, were designated for outdoor learning environments due to the direct connection to reduce risk of virus transmission and exposure to environmental health hazards, and supporting student health needs.
Health benefits of outdoor learning environments are limitless as students use creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills in unstructured environments while simultaneously breathing in outdoor, fresh air.
In 2022 the District qualified for funding through AB 841 CalSHAPE program, intended to assess, maintain, and repair heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in public schools. MCSD is working with Veragy and upon completion of the assessment will begin to produce reports to the California Energy Commission regarding recommendations for repairs and replacements per funding requirements.
MCSD partnered with UC Davis and TRANE to study air quality within classrooms. Using findings from full campus air quality assessments the District plans to complete an application providing potential opportunities for additional funding.
TRANE has completed the installation of new thermostat control systems in every classroom across the District to manage the automation of HVAC systems. Benefits of this process include immediate access to view Co2 levels in each classroom, and making adjustments to ensure the highest quality of air in classrooms at any time of the day with consideration of outside air quality. Additionally, MCSD is currently 95% complete with changing all HVAC units to operate with a MERV 13 filter.
Merced City School District Trustees have contracted with a consulting firm to conduct Board Governance Training Workshops designed to provide each trustee with tools that will further encourage productive discussions and meetings, allowing them to focus on improving student outcomes.
This training is an annual practice for Board members and is a collaborative effort, ultimately designed to refine their set of tools in the following areas.
- Training in regards to Brown Act and other legal requirements
- Communication methods such as listen before responding, keep discussion moving forward, protect confidentiality, thoughtful discussion and debates that all correlate to running effective meetings
- Protocols and Goals that align with the District’s core values
The District is grateful for the hard working staff, trustees, and community members working in partnership to create world-class learning experiences to educate, engage and inspire our students. May we continue to let MCSD’s core values be the north star that guide and inform our work.
Brian Meisenheimer
Acting Superintendent
Merced City School District
Dear Staff, Families, and Community Members
As we embrace the second half of the 2023-24 school year, I am grateful to share with you the many resources and opportunities available to students along with events on the horizon here in our school District.
Local Control Accountability Plan; Guiding the Direction for Student Success
Merced City School District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) guides decisions about actions and services being implemented on behalf of students as well as the cost for those actions and services. Each year, MCSD reviews the progress in meeting students’ needs by looking at data and gathering feedback from our educational partners. Your feedback is valuable in directing how funds are utilized to improve student outcomes.
If you were unable to make it to our February 15 LCAP Community Forum, please consider providing input through the guided survey. The survey can be found here: (English / Spanish / Hmong) – The survey deadline is Friday, March 8, 2024.
We look forward to seeing you at our next LCAP community forum, Thursday, May 16, 2024.
Success Starts Early and Starts Here
A child’s years, ages 0-5, are the most critical in their development and provide foundation for their success.
On February 21 and 28th, virtual information nights were held for our incoming Preschool and Transitional Kindergarten (TK) families. During each session, our staff informed attendees of the exceptional programs available to our youngest learners and the District’s commitment to their success. We want to ensure each child has the opportunity learn and practice skills necessary to prepare them academically, socially and emotionally for kindergarten and beyond.
If you know of a neighbor or friend who has a child entering school next year, be sure to share this information with them. You may access the information HERE. Registration is now open for the 2024-25 school year.
Academic Excursions
Through partnerships with local and statewide organizations, the District is excited to offer students opportunities to apply instructional content learned in the classroom and connect them to experiences in an alternate setting. District led field trips to locations such as the Kids Discovery Station, a tour of UC
Merced or a nature-filled walk through Yosemite National Park promote student engagement, exploration, problem solving, and much more!
Some of the academic excursions and field trips that are availaible to all students within a grade level are listed below. Opportuntiies for transitional kindergardent, kindergarten, and first grade are specific to each school site based on availiability of trips and transportation. As well, school sites will undertake additional excursions or fielf trips at the schools site’s discretion.
2nd Grade: Kids Discovery Station 3rd Grade: Farm 2U
4th Grade: Yosemite National Park, Merced Symphony
5th Grade: San Jose Tech Museum
6th Grade: Outdoor Education-Camp Green Meadows
7th Grade: UC Merced
8th Grade: Field of Honor-Merced College
Facilities; building a stable foundation for student success
With nearly 12,000 students attending 20 MCSD schools each day, the District strives to provide facilities that serve as optimum educational environments for students and staff.
In 2025, the District will finalize several projects funded through the Measure M Bond, a $60 million authorization, passed in 2014. In addition to the Measure M Bond, the District received nearly $19 million in State-matched funds to date. All monies have been earmarked to improve facilities districtwide.
Below are some of the sites that received significant modernizations and upgrades through Measure M Bond funds:
Hoover Middle |
Chenoweth Elementary |
Sheehy Elementary |
Rivera Elementary |
Wright Elementary |
Burbank Elementary |
Fremont Elementary |
Tenaya Middle |
We are proud of the improvements completed thus far, but recognize there is more work to be done to ensure MCSD can continue to offer optimal educational environments, with a focus on neighborhood schools that support the needs of current and future students of the Merced community.
The District has completed the development of Educational Specifications and work is currently underway with PBK Architects and SchoolWorks to complete a facilities audit, as well as a student demographic study, inclusive of an analysis on school site boundaries and the possibility of 6th grade returning to middle schools. These reports will help inform decision points for the District to make a recommendation to the Board of Education at a Spring Board Meeting. Recommendations may include a new bond measure to be placed on the November 2024 ballot for additional facilities needs and/or the construction of a new school, a possible boundary adjustment, and consideration of returning 6th grade students to middle school. There are many items to consider as we look to provide optimal learning environments for students and staff. I am grateful for the incredible team we have here in MCSD and the overwhelming commitment for improving facilities to support student outcomes.
Exciting Upcoming Events…..
- STEM Fair: On March 8, the top 20 MCSD STEM Fair finalists will compete alongside other top qualifiers throughout MCOE at the annual STEM Fair located at UC Merced
- Elementary Back to School Night: March 14
- Middle School Back to School Night: March 21
- March Madness Basketball regionals: During the week of March 18, a District wide tournament will begin for 5th and 6th grade students with the Championship Game on Friday, March 22.
I am ever impressed with the high level of work and commitment that all MCSD staff demonstrate to the success of all students. I see so much great work going on across the District and know that our students, staff, familes, and community acknowledge the work as we focus on the growth of the whole child. As we enter into Spring, the focus shifts to preparing for CAASPP testing for grades 3rd – 8th which is the state measurement for the academic growth of our students. It will be important for students, families, and staff to work together to prepare students. Some things to consider is ensuring students attend school each day and on time to maximize learning, communicating with your child’s teacher on their progress, taking advantage of tutoring opportunities, working on basic academic skills at home, and always empahasizing with your child the importantance of school, working to your best, and believing in themselves to do well. Any one of these things or a combinations can have a big imapact on student success.
Thank you all for believing in MCSD and working together for the betterment of students.
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