Program Philosophy
The philosophy of the Youth Enrichment Program is based on the belief that children deserve the opportunity to develop to their “fullest potential”. Our program is designed to create an environment, which will stimulate the physical, mental, emotional, and social development of each child, including the development of self-esteem and self-worth.
Our Program's Vision
Strive to provide childcare in an atmosphere of trust and safety on existing school grounds; we want parents to have complete peace of mind while they are away from their child.
Our Mission
Is to be committed to meeting the individual needs of young children academically, socially, emotionally and physically, through empowering parents, embracing cultures, and providing a creative and quality education in a nurturing environment.
Program Goals
· Provide working parents with a safe and secure environment for their children.
· Provide an affordable childcare facility for working parents.
· Provide opportunities that reinforce academic learning.
· Provide interesting and stimulating activities that challenge the development of children
Registration is ongoing. It is necessary to complete a pre-application and submit all required documents at time of your eligibility appointment. Certification will then be determined and a Notice of Action will be given or mailed to the parent stating services have been approved for a particular site or services have been denied with reason for denial stated. Please call us for more information.
How to qualify for the MCSD Youth Enrichment Program
CCTR- General Childcare and Development
To be eligible in this category, a child or his family must:
· Be enrolled in a school in the Merced City School District.
· Live and or work in the State of California.
· Provide evidence of a local address.
· Provide evidence of income eligibility according to the Child Care and Development Income Rankings
· Have not reached their 13th birthday.
· Complete a pre-application for admission.
Meet one of the “Need Criteria” areas including:
1. Be referred by Child Protective Services
2. At Risk
3. Parental Incapacity
4. Employment
5. Training toward Vocational Goal that leads directly to a recognized trade, para-profession or profession
6. Actively Seeking Employment
7. Family is homeless and is seeking permanent housing
YEP Staff
Director Peterson 1 Teacher
Supervisor Peterson 2 Teacher
Department Secretary Muir Teacher
Account Clerk Sheehy Teacher
Main Office
YEP Office
211 E. 11th Street
Merced, CA 95340
(209) 385-6737 Phone
(209) 385-6387 Fax
211 E. 11th Street
Merced, CA 95340
(209) 385-6737 Phone
(209) 385-6387 Fax
YEP Locations
John Muir Elementary School
300 W. 26th
300 W. 26th
YEP Phone Number: 385-6340
Peterson Elementary School
848 E. Donna Dr
YEP Phone Number: 385-6716
848 E. Donna Dr
YEP Phone Number: 385-6716
Sheehy Elementary School
1240 W. 6th St
1240 W. 6th St
YEP Phone Number: 385-6341
We offer before and after school and vacation childcare for children ages five to twelve who are attending the Merced School District. The program operates five days per week, Monday through Friday, for 12 months a year.
Before School at Peterson
7 -9 AM
After School
2:15 - 6:00 PM
Vacation Hours
7AM - 6 PM
7 -9 AM
After School
2:15 - 6:00 PM
Vacation Hours
7AM - 6 PM
YEP News
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