On task
Student Rights and Resources
Parents, we are now using ParentSquare to communicate.
ParentSquare is a communication and organization tool designed to keep you informed, and involved in your school community
Please check your email for a download link to activate your account.
Peterson Vision and Mission Statement
Our VISION is to create a school that is highly regarded for its academic excellence, rigorous curriculum, and behavioral guidance where children will recognize and achieve their fullest potential, and make their best contribution to society.
The MISSION of Peterson Elementary School is to provide a safe, nurturing environment that inspires children to achieve their potential as lifelong learners.
Here are ways YOU can get involved in your child's school!
Peterson Parent Teacher Club (PTC). The PTC mission is to support Peterson Elementary, encourage better communication between parents and teachers FOR students, to raise and administer funds and provide support for additional educational program benefits beyond those provided by MCSD.
School Site Council (SSC) needs parents who like to provide input in the planning of our Categorically Funded Programs here at Peterson. They continually review and assess the effectiveness of these programs and make modifications if deemed necessary. This is an elected position. An elected member serves a two-year term. Please contact our Learning Director Stefanie Hurte @ 385-6700 to get involved.
English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) is an advisory committee that provides input into the planning of educational programs for students whose primary language is not English. We NEED parents of ELD students to serve on this committee. This is an elected position. An elected member serves a two-year term. Please contact our Learning Director Stefanie Hurte @ 385-6700.
Parent Classroom Volunteers are to be coordinated with your child(s) classroom teacher.
SSC/ELAC Meeting Agenda - January 21, 2025 @ 3:30pm
PTC Meeting Agenda- January 16, 2025 @ 5:30pm
Dear Parent or Guardian,
We would like to make you aware of our annual School Accountability Report Card (SARC), now available on our District website,, California Department of Education website, or by requesting a copy at the school site office.
The purpose pf the SARC is to provide parents and the community with important information about each public school. The SARC summarizes the school's mission, goals, and accomplishments. State law requires all public schools receiving state funding to prepare and distribute a SARC. For background information on the SARC, go to:
If you have any questions, please contact Melanie Mittelsteadt at x2816
For technical questions and comments regarding this website, including accessibility concerns, please contact the Webmaster.