Every effort should be made to ensure students are at school on time, every day. Tardies and early release from school interrupt student learning. We appreciate your efforts in scheduling regular doctor and dentist's appointments for after school hours. However, if a school hour appt. is necessary, please allow your child to attend school before or after the appointment (or both!).
Absences: If a student must miss school, it is the parent's responsibility to contact the school office at 385-6700 for each day's absence. Parents may also email Ms. Kim at klotz@mercedcsd.org to report absences and email doctor's excuses. Remember, the only excused absences are for STUDENT illness or dr. appointments, not family members, child care issues or trips.
Tardies: Our last bell in the morning rings at 8:45 a.m. If your child is not in the classroom by the time the last bell rings, they are considered Tardy. Please bring them to the office for a Tardy Slip. Only medical appts. (accompanied with medical verification) and medical emergencies are considered excused tardies.
Leaving School Early: During school hours, parents must sign the student out and pick up their child(ren) at the school office. Again, it is an interruption to the instructional day to leave early and your child misses out on important learning and end of day routines, thus every effort to avoid early release is appreciated. Students returning to campus before the end of the school day, need to sign in at the office before returning to class. Students will only be released to a parent, guardian or other adult listed on the student's registration card. Please keep phone numbers and emergency contacts current. If there are custody orders or changes in custody, please provide the office with a current copy for enforcement.
Attendance Letters: Automated letters regarding "at risk" attendance is regularly sent out as a precaution and some will note a pre-sarb meeting with a site administrator. These letters are intended to inform you of the concern and seek resolution prior to SARB action, thus your attendance at the meeting is necessary. Quarterly attendance incentives are awarded to students for zero tardies/absences in that quarter. End of year "Perfect Attendance" Awards go to those students who have been continuously enrolled in Peterson since the beginning of the year with no absences or tardies of any kind all year. Note: Absences for extended periods (5-10 days) may qualify for short term Independent Study but are still absences. It must be requested at least 2 weeks in advance and cannot be taken at the end of the school year (i.e. the last 10 days of school).
Positive attendance allows children to receive the daily instruction necessary in their grade level, resulting in better academic performance as well as a life skill in responsibility! Parents, whose children have excessive (10 or more per school year) absences or tardies will be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) in an effort to resolve the problem.
Please see the MCSD Informational Guide English Spanish and the District Attorney's Attendance Engagement Program trifold for more information.
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