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Cruickshank Detour Information

The Merced City School District would like to make students, parents, and other residents aware of a road closure that will impact traffic in front of Cruickshank Middle School.

As part of a housing project, the developer will be doing road work on Mercy Avenue from Monday, August 22nd through Friday, August 26th.  Eastbound traffic on Mercy Avenue will be closed from Mansionette Drive to Paulson Road during that time.

A detour will be in place for drivers who turn onto Mercy Avenue from G Street.  It will require drivers to turn right onto Mansionette Drive, left onto Yosemite Avenue, left onto Paulson road, and left onto Mercy Avenue.  Detour signs will be posted, and the westbound lane of Mercy Avenue will remain open.

Extra MCSD staff members will be on hand during the road closure to ensure student safety during drop off and pick up times.  We would like to remind everyone to please drive slowly and carefully around Cruickshank Middle School, and be prepared for slight delays.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.  If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 209-385-6330.

Students Begin New School Year

The Merced City School District is excited to be starting a new school year with approximately 11-thousand preschool through eighth grade students.  Monday morning was filled with smiles and warm greetings as staff members welcomed children back to class at all 18 campuses.

There is a lot to look forward to this year!  The district has several upgraded facilities, a brand new preschool at Rivera Elementary, new language arts materials that encourage critical thinking, as well as a new Facebook page and mobile app to share helpful information in a convenient way.

The district is also preparing to break ground on a state-of-the-art STEAM Center next to Ada Givens Elementary this fall.  It will be a place where students and teachers from across the district can enjoy hands-on 21st century learning in the subjects of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics.

As this new chapter begins, student safety remains the top priority.  We’re asking for residents’ support by driving slowly and carefully around all local campuses.

Helping Students Prepare for School

Merced Sun-Star Column
By Sara Sandrik/Merced City School District Public Information Officer
Excitement is building throughout the Merced City School District as we prepare to welcome students back to class on Aug. 15. I can hardly wait to see all of our 18 campuses filled with bright young minds and smiling faces again! While teachers, administrators, and support staff are getting ready for the first day, there also are some steps families can take to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Now is a great time to start getting into a routine that will help kids feel their best and adjust gradually to a more structured schedule. That means going to bed at a time that will allow for eight to 10 hours of sleep while waking up early enough to avoid being late or rushing out the door at the last minute. Also, experts suggest eating a nutritious breakfast to support energy and mental focus throughout the morning. Free breakfast is available at every school site for all enrolled children, as long as they arrive on time. It’s typically served about 30 minutes before the first bell, but you should check with the school office for the exact time.
A healthy routine is important because children who feel good physically are more likely to have excellent attendance, which is critical for academic success. Missing just one day can quickly put students behind and force them to play catch-up instead of progressing on target.
Another beneficial addition to the readiness routine is for kids to start reading at least 20 minutes a day. That simple step will foster a studious mindset while also improving language arts skills, and it’s a habit that can continue year-round.
If your back-to-school plans include shopping, please don’t feel the need to go overboard. You can start with a few basic items and then find out what extra supplies your child’s school recommends. Also, it’s a good idea to make sure any new clothes meet the district’s dress code, which is designed to support a safe and productive learning environment. You can find that information in the first-day packet, school planner, or in the parent handbook section of our website.  
You'll also want to make sure students are up to date on immunizations, and be aware that a new state law does not allow exemptions for personal beliefs or religion.  You can find a complete list of the required immunizations at Children going into first grade also must have a physical within 18 months prior to enrollment, and those who plan to participate in middle school athletics will need a sports physical in order to try out for any team.
And finally, we would love for parents to help their children feel optimistic and enthusiastic about the upcoming school year. Let them know that this is a time filled with opportunities to try new things, make friends, and learn valuable lessons for the future. Starting with a positive attitude will help make this next chapter in their lives the best it can be. 

Teachers Learn New Techniques

Wednesday, August 03, 2016 12:57AM

Merced City School District teachers are playing the role of students right now.

They're attending a variety of interactive classes through a program called Miniversity. The topics include everything from robotics and science to art and music.

The goal is to give the teachers creative new ways to share those lessons with students once school starts on August 15th.

All of the workshops are taught by fellow teachers who excel in those areas.

The classes are being held at different campuses and the district's Professional Development Center through next week. 


Free Summer Meals Continue

Children ages 18 and under can still enjoy free lunches through July 29th at several locations in Merced.  For more information about the MCSD Summer Meals program, please click here:

A Merced Sun-Star article about the program from July 7th is below:



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