The Merced City School District is excited to be starting a new school year with approximately 11-thousand preschool through eighth grade students. Monday morning was filled with smiles and warm greetings as staff members welcomed children back to class at all 18 campuses.
There is a lot to look forward to this year! The district has several upgraded facilities, a brand new preschool at Rivera Elementary, new language arts materials that encourage critical thinking, as well as a new Facebook page and mobile app to share helpful information in a convenient way.
The district is also preparing to break ground on a state-of-the-art STEAM Center next to Ada Givens Elementary this fall. It will be a place where students and teachers from across the district can enjoy hands-on 21st century learning in the subjects of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics.
As this new chapter begins, student safety remains the top priority. We’re asking for residents’ support by driving slowly and carefully around all local campuses.
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