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Students Perform in Patriotic Program

Students at Chenoweth Elementary took part in a patriotic program on Friday, just before the President's Day weekend.  They shared the "ABC's of America" through speeches and songs.  The performance featured first and second grade students, and the audience was filled with their family members.  The children told the crowd this was a chance to share what they've learned and to celebrate our country and its history.  Students were also encouraged to wear red, white, and blue.
Each grade level at Chenoweth has the chance to take part in a special language arts assembly with various themes to fit their classroom lessons.

students on stage wearing red, white, and blue during performanceStudents on stage wearing red, white, and blue

Students Celebrate Perfect Attendance

Student shaking hands with principal on red carpet
Students at Franklin Elementary School enjoyed the star treatment on Friday.  Those who had perfect attendance throughout the entire second quarter had a chance to walk the red carpet – or dance down it – while their classmates and family members cheered for them.  They received certificates of achievement and special water bottles featuring their school colors.  The Parent Teacher Club also provided juice and snacks during the assemblies, which took place throughout the day for each grade level.
This celebration is one of many ways schools throughout the Merced City School District provide incentives and recognition for outstanding attendance.  Those efforts support the district’s goal to maintain an average daily attendance of 97 percent.  Research shows good attendance is a critical component of student success.
Franklin Elementary serves students in transitional kindergarten through third grade.  More than 100 of those students were recognized for having perfect attending during Friday’s assemblies.

Student walking red carpet toward principalStudents holding certificates and smiling

Students Earn Speech Festival Awards

Three students from the Merced City School District were among those honored during the Merced County Speech Festival awards ceremony on February 8th at the Merced County Office of Education Clark/Newbold room.
All three of the MCSD winners attend Burbank Elementary.  Fourth grade student Abby Samuelson earned second place for her speech entitled "Cursive."  Fourth grader Rylan Post received an Honorable Mention for his speech called "Disabilities.  Fifth grader Jessica Ma also earned an Honorable Mention for a speech entitled "Fable-Castle of Hope."
Congratulations to all of the students who competed and received awards for their efforts!

Two students with teacher receiving awards for Speech FestivalStudents at Speech Festival

Students with teacher at Speech Festivalstudents at Speech Festival by podium

Schools Hold Signing Day Events

Two students signing their names to commit to education
High school athletes aren’t the only ones making commitments as part of National Signing Day 2017.  Hundreds of elementary students in the Merced City School District signed their names on posters and banners this week as a symbol of their commitment to education.
At Gracey Elementary, staff members called out the name of each student who signed on Wednesday, and their classmates clapped and cheered for them.  UC Merced students were also on hand to offer materials about the university and a little extra inspiration.  They asked the children what they want to be when they grow up and spoke about how education can help unlock those opportunities.  The Signing Day event was an extension of an assembly Gracey held on Monday, which focused on higher education. 
At Reyes Elementary, students enjoyed a similar event on Thursday.  They were invited to sign their names on large banners featuring motivational phrases, which were displayed in the multi-purpose room.  The students and staff members were also encouraged to wear clothes representing their favorite college or university, and they took part in a door decorating contest to show their spirit as well.  Staff members also made special announcements throughout the week and showed video clips highlighting college and career readiness.
Administrators say it’s important to get children thinking about their futures at an early age so they will embrace the idea of continuing their education in order to achieve their goals and dreams.  
Students and teachers taking part in signing day
Student signing name for signing dayUC Merced student talking to student on signing dayFour students smiling at table on signing dayTwo students signing banner at Reyes on signing dayDoor decorated for signing day

Students Learn about Mosquito Abatement

Students looking at mosquito life cycle samples
Students at Peterson Elementary School in Merced enjoyed a special science lesson Tuesday morning.  Representatives from the Merced County Mosquito Abatement District visited three classrooms to teach third graders all about mosquitoes.  They spoke about the diseases the insects can spread, their life cycle, and how our immune systems respond to being bitten.
Students had a chance to see one of the pests under a microscope and to examine samples of their egg rafts, larvae, and pupae.  The presentation also included an animated movie with facts about mosquitoes in the Central Valley, along with a booklet full of puzzles and other games related to the lesson.
One of the goals of this ongoing educational program is to spread awareness about the importance of removing standing water around homes to keep insects from laying eggs in those areas.  Biologist Jason Bakken is one of the presenters who travels to schools across the county.  He says, “Backyards are the most difficult areas for us to reach.  We hope by educating the students, they will share that message with their families to help prevent the spread of West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne diseases.”
The Merced County Mosquito Abatement District has been collaborating with school districts throughout this area since 1992.  Staff members expect to reach their 100,000th student later this year.  
Girl looking through microscope at mosquito slideImage of mosquito through microscope lensBiologist Jason Bakken speaking to students in classroom

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