- Stand in a straight line, facing the traffic so you can see the bus approaching. Stand back atleast 6 feet where the bus will stop, and where possible stand back 10 feet.
- Do not approach the bus until the driver opens the door.
- When loading the bus at school, follow the directions of the driver and/or the teacher on bus duty.
- Never go under the bus to retrieve somthing you have dropped.
- Destroying property, playing in the street or any horseplay at the bus stop is dangerous and prohibited.
- Do not bring pets to a bus stop.
- School buses can only stop at designated bus stops.
- Never run after your bus once it has left the stop.
Parents: If you are dropping off a student at a bus stop, park your car on the same side the bus is parked. Do not park your car in the loading/unloading zone.
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