Merced City School District Merced City School District Logo
Facilities Use Request Application & Process

 Process & Steps for Community/Civic Facility Use

  1. Contact the school site office to determine site availability (all site contacts are listed on our website, for STEAM Center use, contact Elizabeth Ward at or (209) 381-2880).

  2. Complete and sign the application for Facilities Use. Make sure to note the date, time location, and all necessary services, (i.e. custodial, I.T., restrooms, School Nutrition Services, etc.) Applications should be completed for approval at least 15 days before the scheduled event.

  3. School site administration approval -Deliver or email the completed application to the school site for the principal’s review of the event request and approval.

  4. Once approved by the site principal, the proposed event site will send the site-level approved application to the following email:  SUBJECT:  Facilities Usage Request for (School Name), (Event), and (Date).

  5. Facilities Department Secretary will notify the applicant and the school site of the final application status (approval or denial). Coordination will also be shared to notify each applicable department if any extra services are required/requested (for example, I.T. support, food services, or additional custodial support).

  6. A Certificate of Liability is required naming the Merced City School District as an additional insured. This must be submitted to the same email address as provided in line 4. The applicant will be invoiced by the MCSD-Fiscal Department for any applicable fees or services. MCSD also reserves the right to waive selected fees in whole or in part for applicants based on established criteria, discretion, and space availability.

If you have any questions or require additional assistance with completing the application process, please contact Diana Meraz, MCSD Facilities Department at (209) 385-6332.

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