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Fremont Elementary School uses a Positive Behavior Intervention System. It is a systemic approach to interceding with behavior is a way that restores the student. There are many tiers of supports to ensure our students have the best chance to win behaviorally. In the beginning of the year we take time to explicitly teach expected behaviors at Fremont. This gives us all a common language. Our entire team of professionals support the goals of teaching these expectations in specific areas. School Culture does not become positive by accident. We encourage procedures that focus on what is best for students. How do we embrace this Positive Behavior Intervention System?

Professional Development- Teachers, Noon Supervisors, Aides, Admin, and Support Professionals invest in our professional development to expand our skills. We use only research-based behavior interventions and high quality resources. We have accountability for refining our crafts as our discipline data drives this ever-changing system.

Tier 1- We develop a common language when discussing how we will teach the behavior expectations. We define the behaviors that need to be addressed. We speak the same language with behavior and we stand by 4 universal rules on campus. The matrix below illustrates our behavior expectations at Fremont. We hope you will spend time to go over these at home as well. We share the common language with parents, students, and community members frequently. This is our Fremont School-Wide Behavior Matrix:

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