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Free Family Nights at MCSD STEAM Center

The community is invited to three upcoming FREE FAMILY NIGHTS at the MCSD STEAM Center, which is located at 2900 Green Street.  All students who attend the May 9 and May 20 events will also receive a free raffle ticket for a chance to win a bicycle (must be present to win).

Flyer for Free Family Nights at the MCSD STEAM Center, May 9, May 16, and May 20

Information Regarding

Dear MCSD Families,
We would like to share some information with you regarding the “Momo Challenge” that you may have seen on social media or in the news.  It was initially reported to be a viral challenge targeting children.  The reports claimed that a disturbing figure would appear in YouTube videos or through the WhatsApp and encourage children to perform dangerous tasks.
There are now multiple reports that the challenge is a hoax.  Here is one example, which provides more background information as well:
While there is currently no evidence that this particular challenge has resulted in harm to children, you may wish to speak with your child about it in a way you feel is appropriate for their understanding.  It is also important to monitor your child’s internet/social media use and encourage them to let you know if they see anything disturbing or inappropriate.  Here is one additional resource that can help with cyber security at home:
We also want to ensure you that throughout the Merced City School District, there are many security measures in place to keep students safe while using our technology devices. Students are not permitted to access sites that have been deemed dangerous, and they are monitored by school staff while using technology devices.
As always, student safety is our number one priority.  We appreciate your support and encourage you to speak with school administrators if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Estimadas familias de MCSD,
Nos gustaría compartir con usted alguna información sobre el "Desafío Momo" que puede haber visto en las redes sociales o en las noticias. Inicialmente se informó que era un desafío viral dirigido a los niños. Los informes afirmaron que una figura perturbadora aparecería en los videos de YouTube o en el WhatsApp y animaría a los niños a realizar hechos peligrosas.
Ahora hay varios informes de que el desafío es un engaño. Aquí hay un ejemplo, que también proporciona más información de fondo:
Actualmente, no hay evidencia de que este desafío en particular haya resultado en daño a los niños, es posible que desee hablar con su hijo acerca de él de la manera que considere apropiada para su comprensión. También es importante controlar el uso de Internet / redes sociales de su hijo y animarlo a que le avise si ve algo perturbador o inapropiado. Aquí hay un recurso adicional que puede ayudar con la seguridad cibernética en el hogar:
También queremos asegurarle que en el Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Merced, existen muchas medidas de seguridad para mantener a los estudiantes seguros mientras usan nuestros dispositivos de tecnología. No se les permite a los estudiantes acceder a sitios que han sido considerados peligrosos, y son monitoreados por el personal de la escuela mientras usan dispositivos de tecnología.
Como siempre, la seguridad de los estudiantes es nuestra primera prioridad. Apreciamos su apoyo y lo animamos a hablar con los administradores de la escuela si tiene alguna pregunta.

Free Parent Workshop

Community members are invited to attend this free workshop, which will be held on two different dates and at two different locations.
Tech savvy parenting flyer, call 209-385-6767 for details
This document is distributed by an outside organization pursuant to Board Policy 1325.
The District does not necessarily endorse the information contained herein.
Tech savvy parenting flyer information in Spanish and Hmong

Community Invited to Forum

The public is invited to participate in a meeting focusing on issues impacting both the Merced City School District and City of Merced.
It will be held Sept. 27 at 6 p.m. at Rivera Middle School, 945 Buena Vista Dr., Merced.

The meeting will bring leaders from both agencies together with stakeholders to discuss a variety of topics, including:

-School safety
-Pedestrians and vehicle traffic surrounding schools
-Current and proposed housing projects
-Development projects surrounding school sites
-Current and proposed joint and mutual use of facilities
-Future staff meetings to address inter-agency issues

The goal of this forum is to continue improving communication and strengthening relationships to benefit families in the Merced City School District and the entire Merced community.

Free Summer Meals Available

The Merced City School District will be collaborating with the Merced Union High School District for the annual "Summer Meals" program.  These free meals are available to all children and teens, ages 1-18, and no registration or identification is required.  They will be served at a variety of locations, including Givens Elementary and Sheehy Elementary.
This flyer has all of the details, including the menu:

Summer meals flyer

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