Costco-Merced Gives Stowell Students a Great Start to the School Year with New Backpacks
(September 13, 2021, MERCED, CA) -- Aside from the excitement of seeing their friends and teachers once again, students at Stowell Elementary School had another reason to be excited – they were greeted with a row of boxes from Costco-Merced, containing new backpacks for students to pick out. There were many designs to choose from, from green to pink camo and floral, which was a very popular choice.
This is the fourth year that Costco-Merced has delivered boxes full of backpacks for students at Stowell. Dr. Dalinda Saich, principal at Stowell Elementary, said 95.5% percent of students are on a free and reduced lunch program. The donated backpacks offer families relief, especially those who have multiple students in the family. “Back to school is an exciting time for students but it can be a hardship for families. Providing the variety of needs such as clothes, socks, shoes, and backpacks, it can add up quickly. Our students are so grateful to Costco for their support and partnership.”
“This means that every child will have what they need for the school year. It proves helpful for families throughout the year, due to the wear and tear that occurs. It’s one less thing that our families have to worry about. Anything we can do to make it easier for our students to support their learning, we are happy to do it and grateful for our community partnership with Costco to help make that happen,” Dr. Saich adds.
Merced Costco has partnered with Stowell to include the Reading Buddy Program. “Costco has been such a great partner. We began the Reading Program collaboration three years ago, where their staff comes in to help read to and with their ‘assigned buddy.’ It was amazing and the kids loved it. We’re hoping that we can revive that program when conditions allow.”
Dr. Saich remarked how important community partnerships are and what it means for students, “When students see that their community cares about them, it inspires them, knowing that they have people rooting for them and supporting their success.”
Dr. Saich said Costco initially reached out to the school three years ago to start a partnership, which was led through the efforts of Learning Director, Richard Alvarado.
Clinton Garcia, membership/marketing manager, said each Costco store aims to support a neighborhood school. He estimated that about 400 backpacks were given to students. “It’s fun to give back to the kids. Our staff live and work here so it’s important to us to take care of our community. We look forward to doing this every year and we hope to find other ways to partner with Stowell,” he said, adding that it’s important, regardless of a family’s financial situation, children can all feel good and ready at the beginning of the school year.
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