MCSD Inspires Young Readers this Summer through Literacy & Learning Backpacks
(May 26, 2021, MERCED, CA) -- Did you know that it takes just 2-3 hours of reading a week to prevent learning loss? This summer, Merced City School District (MCSD) hopes to address learning loss and cultivate young readers through its Literacy and Learning Backpacks project. Each child in the District, from preschool through 8th grade, will receive a backpack filled with books and workbooks to continue learning and reading over the summer.
Each backpack contains four books, tip cards, and a “Getting Ready” workbook. The workbooks are specific to each grade level and have been customized to include community-based activities that students and their families can do together this summer. The goal is to make learning fun and interactive for the whole family.
“Learning doesn’t just happen in our classrooms. That's why our team continues to find ways to support students beyond the classroom and provide resources to address learning loss, especially this year,” explains Doug Collins, Deputy Superintendent for MCSD.
District Teacher Librarian, Seanna Haslouer, personally curated the books to make sure they are tailored for each grade level. “I’m excited to roll out this project. Studies show that children growing up in homes without books are on average three years behind their peers in homes with books, even when considering key factors such as income and parents’ education. Our hope is to cultivate our students’ love for reading and learning by putting a wonderful resource in their hands as they transition to summer.”
According to Haslouer, it was important to keep it engaging and fun for the whole family. “Learning starts at home and incorporating reading as part of the family routine ensures great habits that will ensure success in school.”
Schools started distributing the backpacks last week to every student, including those in distance learning.
The backpacks will also provide parents with an opportunity to spend quality time with their child while they help to build their child’s comprehension, vocabulary, and critical-thinking skills. A community guide included in the workbook encourages spending time as a family while learning through local attractions such as going to the Courthouse Museum or exploring at the Applegate Zoo.
To promote engagement and help families get the most value out of their Literacy and Learning backpacks, every student will receive a passport that will allow students to enter to win prizes based on items and activities in the backpack. Prizes will be drawn every week starting the 2nd week of June. To enter, parents can take photos of their child doing the activities and send them to MCSD via their Facebook page, via email at or by visiting one of MCSD’s Community Learning Hubs located around the community.