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Parent Choice Deadline Extension
    July 23, 2020
    Reminder: School starts August 12th with full distance learning as directed by the Governor. 
    Although circumstances have changed, MCSD still needs your decision about parent choice for future planning purposes. Please let us know whether you would prefer to send your child to school in person with safety protocols in place or have them continue to participate in online distance learning exclusively once schools are allowed to reopen.
    If you have not already done so, please fill out the attached questionnaire to share your decision with MCSD. July 24th was the original deadline to complete the parent choice questionnaire, but under the current circumstance we have extended the deadline to July 31st. Thank you for your participation. 

    If you need additional information before making your decision, please see the FAQs page on the MCSD website or call Pupil Services at (209) 385-6647.  

    For technical questions and comments regarding this website, please contact the Webmaster.