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School Reopening Helpline
Merced City School District is prepared to facilitate world class teaching and learning for the 2020–21 school year. The health and safety of all students, their families, and all staff is our highest priority. MCSD continues to work closely with the Merced County Department of Public Health to ensure all guidelines are followed to protect against COVID–19.
School starts Wednesday, August 12th. All MCSD schools will be open on a full day schedule with enhanced safety precautions. Parents have the important decision of sending their child back to school or enrolling in a rigorous Distance Learning option that provides students with the same high-quality teaching and learning that students receive in school.
If you have any questions about the upcoming school year or the steps that are being taken to ensure everyone's safety, please contact me at (209) 385-6640.
Thank you,
Al Rogers, Ed.D.