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Drive Through Diploma Pick-Up
Merced City School District is proud to promote more than 1,200 8th grade students from our four middle schools to high school this year. It is important to acknowledge and honor these students for their accomplishments. Cruickshank, Hoover, Rivera, and Tenaya will each have a Virtual Graduation and drive-through diploma pick-up on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. Due to an extreme heat forecast on Wednesday, MCSD is moving the graduation drive through ceremony to 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for the safety of our students, staff and families.
The Virtual Graduation is a video presenting pictures of all the graduates and many memorable moments. It will be streamed through the MCSD YouTube channel beginning at 8:00 PM on June 3rd.
Each school has developed a plan to ensure that parents and students will be able to participate in the drive-through diploma pick-up safely in compliance with the current state mandated COVID-19 shelter-in-place and social distancing requirements. Families will be able to check their school website for their designated, alphabetical arrival times.
One vehicle is allowed per student in the drive-through and the occupants are to remain in the vehicle at all times. All staff will be required to wear face masks. Staff who handle diplomas will also wear gloves.
MCSD looks forward to safely celebrating the Class of 2020.