Dear parents and guardians,
Students will NOT return to campus this school year but that does not mean school is out. As Governor Newsom and State Superintendent Thurmond encourage, student learning will continue through distance learning until the last day of this school year, June 4. Merced City School District is working to make this the best possible experience for students and their families. We will keep you updated.
It’s important for parents and their students to understand, should the following criteria be met, school sites may reopen:
• The California State Shelter in Place order has been lifted
• The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Merced County has remained constant for a two week period or declined
• The directive to Social Distance has been removed
• The limit placed on social gatherings has been removed
Merced City School District will continue daily surveillance of these criteria for the benefit of students and families.
Also, I want to assure you, MCSD will continue to provide essential services to students, like meals from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Though the buildings will remain closed, MCSD will continue to provide instructional resources for distance learning opportunities for every student we serve. More information will be shared about what this will look like for your student and family.
It is crucial during this health crisis that families follow the guidance of public health officials to practice social distancing and only go out when necessary. Children should not congregate during the stay-at-home order as it puts the child, their families and the community at risk.
We will get through this together. Thank you.
Dr. Al Rogers, Superintendent
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