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Local Teacher Grants Available
Teachers are continually seeking ways to expand learning opportunities for their students. While funding to provide these experiences isn't always available, the Merced County School Boards Association hopes to change that. The Something For Kids Mini-Grant for 2017-2018 has been updated and now available for teachers in Merced County public schools to access.
John Magneson, assistant superintendent of Educational Services for the Merced County Office of Education, said this year up to $10,000 is available in mini-grants for county teachers through the Merced County School Boards Association. This organization includes trustees from the 20 local school districts, which serve the county's students from kindergarten through high school. Generally speaking, Magneson said, grants awarded range from $500 to $3,000 and the number of grants awarded will depend on the amounts requested by successful applicants. The deadline to apply for these grants is Feb. 14.
These grants have been available for at least 21 years and likely longer, Magneson said.
"Most of the projects involve the purchase of resources that support the sciences – a mannequin to teach forensic sciences, a salmon growing aquarium, robotics – tools that enhance lessons and engage students in learning," Magneson said.
For more information on how to apply, visit
Press release by Nathan Quevedo/ Media and Communications Manager for Merced County Office of Education