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MCSD Health Benefits Enrollment Update
The Merced City School District Risk Management Office is reaching out to all full-time employees, part-time employees and retirees with the following update:
It is that time of year again! Health benefits open enrollment packets will be going out in the mail August 1st. Open enrollment will run from August 1st through August 18th. If you do not elect to make any changes, you do not need to do anything. If you elect to make a change, forms must be in the Risk Management office by 5:00 p.m. on August 18th. There are important changes you should be aware of, so please read your packets thoroughly.
If you plan to participate in the SISC Flex or Dependent Care plans, open enrollment for these plans will be announced this fall. It will be an online enrollment. Please keep an eye out for an email notice from Risk Management.
If you do not receive an open enrollment packet, or if you have any questions please call the Risk Management office at 209-385-6684.