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Twelve MCSD Schools Honored
June 14, 2017
Twelve Merced City School District campuses have been recognized for their success with implementing a system known as “Positive Behavior Intervention and Support.”  PBIS is a research-based, nationally recognized framework that promotes a positive culture of making good choices on school campuses.  It includes clear expectations for the students as well as incentives and intervention plans.  This system is part of the district’s effort to reduce suspension and expulsion rates in a safe and sustainable way.
The Merced City School District has been implementing PBIS in phases.  It will be in place at all 18 campuses starting in the 2017-2018 school year.  The dozen schools that currently use this system applied for either a Gold, Silver, or Bronze award through the Fresno County Office of Education depending on how far along they are with the implementation process, and they were all selected for the award they hoped to receive.
  • Givens Elementary School:   Gold Award
  • Burbank Elementary School:  Silver Award
  • Hoover Middle School:  Silver Award
  • Reyes Elementary:  Silver Award
  • Rivera Elementary:  Silver Award
  • Stowell Elementary:  Silver Award
  • Fremont Elementary School:  Silver Award
  • Chenoweth Elementary School:  Bronze Award
  • Franklin Elementary School:  Bronze Award
  • Rivera Middle School:  Bronze Award
  • Stefani Elementary School:  Bronze Award
  • Muir Elementary School:  Bronze Award
Representatives from the winning schools were honored during an awards ceremony hosted by the Fresno County Office of Education on May 18.
Pupil Services Director Brian Meisenheimer says, “This is such important work, to shape the positive culture on each school site and to develop lasting relationships with students.  I am proud of the hard work our administrators, teachers, support staff, students, and parents have put toward creating a productive learning environment for all.”
Group photo of PBIS staff

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