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Votes Needed for School Grants
Ada Givens Elementary and Franklin Elementary are asking for the community’s help to receive a total of $20,000 in grants from ScholarShare, California’s 529 college savings plan. This new grant program, called “Scholar Dollars” is designed to help support extracurricular and enrichment programs.
All K-8 public and charter schools in California were eligible to apply for the Scholar Dollars grant last month. There are five categories based on school size, which range from extra small to extra large. Each category will have four winners, and the prizes range from $5,000 to $25,000 for a total of $300,000.
Givens and Franklin are each eligible for $10,000 based on their 2015-2016 enrollment numbers.
Givens would like to use the money to increase library offerings, to support a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) maker space, to offer career-oriented excursions, and to provide tutoring opportunities for both parents and students. Franklin would like to use the money to create a computer lab to support its STEAM program and 21st century learning.
You can vote for Givens and Franklin every day through March 24 at Just click the “vote now” button and search for “Merced” to find both schools.