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Fremont Students Step Back in Time
November 16, 2016

Students at John C. Fremont Elementary took a step back in time Wednesday during the school's 18th annual Pioneer Day. The living history lesson gave third graders a chance to experience what life was like during the California Gold Rush of the mid 1800’s.  They participated in a variety of activities, including panning for gold, quilting, making butter, and doing laundry with a tub and washboard.  They also enjoyed a Pony Express relay race, made yarn dolls, and played horseshoes as well as clothes pin game.
The students dressed in outfits appropriate for that time period using items from home along with bonnets, cowboy hats, and bandanas provided by the school.  Even their lunches were wrapped in dish cloths instead of plastic bags or other 21st century materials.
These hands-on activities correlate with third grade social studies, which helps children learn more about the county in which they live and what it was like in the early days compared to modern times.
Teacher Lora Wheeler coordinates this memorable event each year with support from other teachers, administrators, parent volunteers, and community groups such as the Gateway Quilters Guild and Merced County Historical Society.  She says, “What I really love about it is that children get to experience what it was like to be a person who lived 150 years ago, a pioneer…and through all these different experiences they get to find out that pioneers weren’t that different than us.  It’s just the technology that was different.  They begin to appreciate all of the conveniences they have like a microwave or TV.  So it’s fun for kids to learn and compare.”
Many of the supplies for this annual event were initially funded through a history grant from the state, and items have been replaced and added with the help of fundraisers.

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