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Students Celebrate Milestone
June 08, 2016


Reading, writing, speaking, and understanding English are critical components of any child’s education in the United States, but many students come into the Merced City School District with a primary language other than English.  That is why the district has specific programs in place to help those students become proficient.

Data for the 2015-2016 school year indicates those programs are making an impact.  District statistics show 494 students who began as English learner students were reclassified as proficient in English by the end of the year.

The steps for reclassification include:

  • Student must achieve a Level 4 or 5 on the California English Language Development Test
  • Student must meet academic proficiency as determined by District Progress Assessments
  • Teacher provides an evaluation of student’s academic performance
  • Parents/guardians are invited to participate in one on one meeting

Schools often celebrate the success of the students who meet those requirements, including Alicia Reyes Elementary, which had 58 students reclassified this year.  Principal Aaron Alexander and his staff made those students the stars of a parade through the campus on May 24th.  They walked through the hallways wearing medals around their necks as other students cheered and waved streamers in their honor.

However, the process does not end there.  Reclassified students receive two years of follow-up monitoring by the district and site administration.  Their progress is routinely checked and recorded, and interventions and support services are available if needed.  Those services may include additional tutoring and counseling.  The goal is to give every student the best opportunity to succeed.

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