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Students who violate any of the rules and regulations will receive a bus conduct report and will   be subject to the normal progression and penalties.

In cases of severe misconduct, students may receive penalties more severe than suggested in   the normal process.

All other school district rules and regulations, together with other penalties, shall apply to conduct   on the buses and shall be administered by the Director of  Transportation or his/her designee.

The Transportation Department is responsible for notifying the parents of all violations.  The normal progression of penalties for violations of the rules and regulations on the bus are as follows:

First Violation:
     Verbal and Written Warning by the Bus Driver

Second Violation:
     1-day suspension from all MCSD school buses

Third Violation:
     3-day suspension from all MCSD school buses

Fourth Violation:
     5-day suspension from all MCSD school buses

Fifth Violation:
     Parent conference prior to reinstatement of riding privileges

Sixth Violation:
     Lose all bus riding privileges for remainder of school year


If a parent requests an appeal on the bus suspension, the following people should be present:

  •   Director of Transportation or his/her designee
  • School Principal or his/her designee
  • Bus driver who cited the student
  • Parent/guardian of suspended student
  • Student (if requested)

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