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Principal's Message

Welcome to Luther Burbank Elementary School.  We are excited to get the school year started.  The teachers and staff of Burbank maintain high expectations for all of OUR students at Burbank.  The teachers collaborate on a regular basis to ensure a rigorous curriculum for all students.
We maintain a positive culture of learners at Burbank.  All of OUR students SWIM to success (Show respect, Work hard, Interact positively, Make a difference).   We believe that all students deserve to develop in an environment that promotes and supports students learning how to make the right choices.
The elementary school years are an exciting time of learning and growth for our students. These years provide students with opportunities to begin a love for reading, to explore new interests, and to expand skills while discovering personal strengths.
We encourage questions, comments, or concerns that arise throughout the school year. Please feel free to visit Burbank, contact your child’s classroom teacher, our office staff, and me. We hope that each and every child has a rewarding, positive, and successful experience at Luther Burbank  Elementary School!
Jill Settera
Luther Burbank Elementary School

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