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Summer Academy Offers Opportunities
June 14, 2016

More than 15-hundred students are getting an educational boost through the Merced City School District’s Summer Academy for Academic Achievement.  The voluntary program started Monday, June 13th and will continue through July 8th.

The Summer Academy provides an opportunity for students to extend their learning in science, technology, engineering, the arts, mathematics, and language arts.  It includes fun hands-on projects and technology-based learning as well.

One unique element of the Summer Academy is the thematic engineering lessons that are specific to each grade level.  The students are learning about topics such as pollination, magnetics, and solar energy in a progressive format that encourages critical thinking.

Reyes and Peterson Elementary Schools are serving students who were in second through fifth grades during this past school year, while Rivera Middle School is hosting those who just completed sixth and seventh grades.  Breakfast and lunch are offered to the students, as well as transportation to and from the Summer Academy sites.

Reyes Elementary is also hosting the “Fast Track” program concurrently with the Summer Academy.  English learner students who were in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, or first grade in the 2015-2016 school year were invited to attend.  The program is designed to increase English language proficiency in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing while also including time for other important subjects.  The learning opportunities include time with e-books, which address literacy and the use of technology simultaneously.

Total enrollment for both programs at Reyes is nearly 900, while Peterson is at nearly 400, and Rivera is approximately 300.  Peterson and Rivera are both accepting more students while space remains available, and Reyes expects to accept more applications on Thursday, June 16th.

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